Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Welcome Guest Reviewers!

In the upcoming weeks you may see some new names on some of the reviews on Greedy Bug. We are lucky enough to have some of our closest reading friends consent to do reviews for the blog on occasion.  We aren't going anywhere and nothing will change with the exception of us sharing a bit of the love so to speak.  So we hope you will check out the reviews by our friends and show them the same love you have shown the three of us and the blog as a whole.  Give them a big welcome and comment on their reviews if you'd like. You know how hard it is to put your words out there so we hope you will give these folks a huge welcome.  Below is a little bit of information about our guest reviewers.  More info will be added to this post as we add new reviewers.  If you are interested in posting a guest review on Greedy Bug Book Reviews, click the Contact Us link on the right side of the page and all the information is listed.

Trisha Harrington - Trisha is an Irish girl and an avid reader of Young Adult Gay Fiction.  A teenager herself, she has a good idea of what goes on in the minds of the young characters in the Young Adult books that she reads.  Also a lover of adult LGBT fiction, her first love will always be the ones with characters that fall into her own age bracket.  A big welcome to Trisha from all of us at Greedy Bug Book Reviews.


  1. Welcome Trisha. It is lovely to have another young guest reviewer here. I look forward to your first review.


  2. Welcome, Trisha! Like Kazza K, I look forward to your first review. :)
